Saturday, March 12, 2011



I don't know why I have yet to blog about owls. Speaking they are my absolute favorite animal in the world! I have so many owls accessories, it's great. I don't know what really triggered my liking for this animal other than the fact that they have cool characteristics. Here's 10 facts about owls:

1: There are about 220 species of owls.
2: Most Owls are Nocturnal,which means they hunt
at night and sleep in the day.
3: Owl's eyes are fixed into their sockets, that
is why they have to turn their head all the way
around, so they can see!
4: An Owl has three eye lids, one for blinking, one for
sleeping, and one for keeping the eye moist and healthy.
5: In most species, the female owl is bigger and darker
in color than the male.
6: Not all owls can hoot.
7: Owls are found on all continents except for Antarctica!
8: The elf owl is calculated to be the smallest of the
owl species. It's about the size of a sparrow.
9: Owls can lay up to a dozen eggs in the time line of
three days, meaning not all will hatch at once.
10: It is illegal to kill or capture an owl and you
must have a permit to do so.

So those are some of my favorite facts, chances are when I get older I will get the permit and go capture or purchase an owl and keep it in a huge cage outside! I'm not a fan of capturing wild animals but my owl's cage will be the size of my house so it's okay. (: I'll feed him whatever he wants. He will love me. Owls are also symbolic for being wise. Righteous. I know. Here are some neato pictures of owls that I like.

This is my absolute favorite Owl accessory I own.

They win cutest couple of the year, <3