Friday, June 25, 2010

What a blessing.

I spent the night at a good friend of mine's house last night, in fact she's so close... call us family. I have such a blast with her, especially in the Summer. She has a pool, I know right, great isn't it? Well I took a jump too many and popped my eardrum. Yeah, sad day. My Mom and I have decided I have Swimmer's Ear but with some fast acting pain relief ear drops I have been getting rid of it with each hour that goes by. As some of you know I don't live with my biological Father. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was little little. So I have lived with a woman my whole life,a very strong, spiritual woman at that. As I said I spen the night at Maury's house and she is pretty much Family. My Uncle Scott, my Dad's brother, lives with Maury, my friend. My Dad stays there every now and then when he needs a place to rest. When I popped my eardrum today I was in pain and needed my Mommy, btw I'm 15... and yes... I still go to my Mommy when I'm hurt. After I had pretty much decided I needed to go inside and take a break from the pool, I found my Dad inside. I told him my ear hurt pretty bad, and you know what he did? He gave me a big hug and he held me on the couch. As I was laying there thinking about how weird it was to feel my Dad's loving ams hold me, I soon found out it wasn't weird at all. My Dad was caring for me, I'm his daughter. I don't know about you, but to feel the warmth of my Father's touch was like feeling the most loving connection you could ever have with a Dad. I listened to his heart beat and I fell asleep. All felt so right, to be there with him, in his arms. I couldn't think of any other place I would have rather been. I woke up with a not so painful ear, and a face that told me it loved me and was there to take care of me. Today God had sent me a gift just like on Christmas, that had been in front of me for many years. I never had the chance to take my gift and un wrap it to only find the most precious blessing... a Dad who will care for me and love me no matter what goes wrong or what goes right. He gives the love a Father should give to his daughter. So now when I say, "I love you Dad" I see the image of another Father who will hold me and care for me no matter what I do. My Lord and Saviour, God.

This blog is dedicated to my Dad and to my Lord. The two best Fathers a girl could ever receive.


  1. AWWWW JESSIE!! I'm like crying right now. This is beautiful. I'm not even kidding. This is a beautiful story. And you are a beautiful writer. And a beautiful person. Gosh. I love you.

  2. this is awesome jessie:) this is kinda making me cry... haha you are amazing&&i love you VERY VERY much!

  3. I love you more(: Can your mommy read these? I would love to hear what she has to say!

  4. Anna I love you so much! Thanks for reading!
